Reach Out & Get in touch


We are our unique web of relations. We are not special. But we are a part of something special. And what makes us unique is our unique web of relations. That is who we are in the world. So reach out, get in touch, and come into relation.

Beneath the expansive skies and sun-soaked sands of the central desert languages of Australia, there is an idea, of Napagi napagi. Give Give.

It is beyond exchange; beyond reciprocity. It's a harmony that resonates across cultures and generations, a philosophy that has become the essence of my work, and everything I do.

In a world that operates in a give-and-take paradigm, and more often than not, a take take paradigm, Napagi Napagi is the other way, an idea transcending the realm of mere reciprocity. It's the understanding that when we commit to giving, a kind of dance begins. For it’s never one way. It depends on our relations. In one relationship, I may give, and they take. I may take, whilst another gives. But the modus operandus, if you will, is to give give.

This belief, and version of it, you can find in the heart of indigenous cultures around the world, which is such a different portrait from the transactional landscape we think of in the ‘West’. In our true way, humanity's instinct to give, to share, and is far from a novelty - it's the core of community. 



+ 61 491 078 050 (AU)

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HQ: Wonnorua, Hunter Valley NSW Australia.

CURRENT: Lenape, NYC NY Turtle Island.

To preserve good story for the next generation, we must first connect and nurture relationships. It is through these bonds that wisdom is passed down, tools are shared, and the essence of our collective journey is safeguarded for those who follow.